Proper ceiling fan settings can equal lower energy costs

Are your ceiling fans set properly in your Lennar home? From season to season, each ceiling fan needs a bit of attention to ensure that the blades are rotating in the correct direction. The minimal amount of time it takes to make these adjustments can save you money on your energy costs.

Ceiling fans provide great air circulation and you can optimize these benefits by ensuring the rotation of the blades is correct for circulating warm air or a cooling breeze.

During the hot summer weather when you are running the air conditioner, blades should rotate in a ‘reverse’ counter-clockwise motion. The air movement has the same soothing effect as when you fan yourself with a magazine to get relief from hot, stifling air.

During the winter when you are using your heat, to help circulate warm air that is trapped on the ceiling, blades should turn ‘forward’ in a clockwise motion. This movement will push the air up and pull the warm trapped air down the sides of the room improving heat distribution.

Ceiling fans alone do not heat or cool a room, but the circulation caused by the correct blade rotation can greatly improve the comfort of your living space. You can also save in energy costs when the ceiling fan is on the correct setting to support your cooling or heating efforts.

Find more information and useful tips about ceiling fans on the Energy Star website.

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