6 spots you can clean at home to prevent winter sniffles

6 spots you can clean at home to prevent winter sniffles

This BrightNest article from Amy Thomson offers some valuable advice on cleaning those frequently-touched things around your home that could easily spread winter colds.

Your co-workers have already started calling in sick. Your partner complains of a sore throat. You sneeze. Is that because you haven’t dusted this week or because you’ve already contracted this season’s case of the cold?

Don’t panic. When it feels like everyone around you is taking a sick-day, stay safe at home and clean these frequently-touched (and therefore germ-tastic) spots:

Fridge Handles. The average fridge handle is five times filthier than a toilet seat! It’s also a magnet for everything greasy that happens in your kitchen as you reach for ingredients while cooking or eating (which means cold germs are gonna end up there, too). Grab some disinfectant spray and sterilize your fridge handles.

Door Knobs & Cabinet Handles. Flu viruses can last up to 24 hours on hard surfaces. Although that may not seem like a lot, if someone in your house is sick, it’s likely that you’re both going to use the same restroom or open the cup cabinet. Use a Clorox bleach wipe to protect yourself.

Light Switches. Avoid spraying a disinfectant directly on your light switch to protect the electrical outlet. Instead, apply the disinfecting spray to a rag or q-tip to clean the light-switch plate.

Other things around your home that you should make sure to keep clean: your remote controls, your sponges and your cell phones.

[Read the full article]

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