Helpful tech guide for first-time home buyers

If you’re beginning your home buying hunt, then you are probably aware of the many questions that come along during the entire process. It can be overwhelming at times, but with a little help from technology you can help solve some of the confusion you may have. From start to finish, this first-time home buyers tech guide provided by, will help you pave the way through your first home-buying experience with more ease and comfort!

Install Apps to Quickly Compare Housing Costs

Apps like Zillow and Trulia are not only great for use during your initial search, but they are also awesome for comparing property prices while you’re onsite at a home of interest. Before you head out to view a home with your realtor, be sure to download at least one of these apps. If you end up liking the property, check out the prices on surrounding properties to get a feel for the overall value of the neighborhood.

If you’d like to get more specific with the potential property value of the home you’re looking at, Property Evaluator is a solid choice to help you get a better idea of how far you could potentially negotiate down to get to a better price on your property.

Research Neighborhood Information Before Your Offer

Conducting a thorough online search for info on your neighborhood prior to making your offer could help you avoid a lot of hassle down the road. Some of the major areas of focus for your research should be crime rates, reported electrical issues, building age, potential area pests, and HOA reputation.

Neighborhood Scout is an awesome place to start your initial research. Zillow also offers up an awesome guide to help first time homeowners find out what they should look for in an HOA.

Set Google Calendar Notifications for Financial Deadlines

Getting on the same page with my lender about financial deadlines was possibly one of the biggest issues I faced during the purchasing process. To avoid getting surprise calls that your closing costs are due by the end of the day, work with your lender to set up notifications for financial deadlines in a shared Google calendar. Be sure to set a few reminders for larger payments like your down payment so you have a few days in advance to get the money together.

If you need help getting started, Google’s online support team has created a step-by-step guide to help new users set up shared calendars.

Invest in Up-to-Date Security

Once you’ve spent all of the time and effort (and let’s not forget money!) it takes to purchase your new home, it will be important to protect your investment. Even if the property you purchase has its own exterior security, it is a smart idea to invest in your own interior security. This is because you never know if the quality of your neighborhood’s security meets today’s high industry standards. There are lots of high tech options for indoor security cameras available at a reasonable cost through security service providers who can also provide monitoring. If you’d prefer to take the DIY approach and self-monitor your home, there are still some great options like Nest and Piper.

Click here to read the full tech guide for first-time home buyers.

What apps have you been using to help you during the home buying process? Share with us in the comments below! 


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