Blog Scrub-a-dub-dub, clean that tub!

Scrub-a-dub-dub, clean that tub!


You just moved into your beautiful new Lennar home and it sparkles at every angle.

Now how do you keep it that way? Think beyond your weekly wipe down and make a plan to deep clean your bathroom shower and tub from time to time. With the help of these great tips from HGTV, you will always be guaranteed a heavenly shower and tub.

Tackle Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can grow quickly in any bathroom, and once it’s there, it’s hard to get rid of it.

You might be accustomed to using a chlorine-based bleach for disinfecting – and sure, it’ll help to kill mold and neutralize spores – but a better alternative is to use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with an oxygenated powder product, such as OxiClean, or my favorite, generic washing soda (not to be confused with baking soda). If you look at ingredients in many of the heavy-duty mold abatement products, you’ll spot that hydrogen peroxide is a common ingredient, so it’s no surprise that this at-home solution works really, really well.

Combine the washing soda and hydrogen peroxide to form a paste, and add it to mold-prone and mold-affected areas in the shower to treat the spots and spores in a safe way. After it sets for a few minutes, rinse the area and use a cloth to wipe it clean. Mold-be-gone!

Clean the Grout and Tiled Wall Surfaces

An easy paste consisting of two parts washing soda mixed with one part hydrogen peroxide offers a chlorine-free and bleach-free alternative to whitening and disinfecting grout. Use an old toothbrush to apply it to the grout lines, allow it to sit for a few minutes, and then use the toothbrush again to rinse it away with water. This will brighten dingy white grout and keep mold growth at bay.

When it comes to the tiled walls, the tendency for water droplets to sit and air dry makes water spots and dried streaks nearly unavoidable. Unless you’re going to wipe down the shower with a dry towel after every use, you’ll need to find a good routine to keep water deposits on tiled surfaces under control.

For most non-porous tile surfaces, that can be done simply using a cloth wet with diluted white vinegar. Follow up with a dry cloth to buff the surface.

Remove Stains in the Tub

Stains aren’t uncommon in the bottom of your tub, even though the basin is being soaped and rinsed non-stop. Here are tips to help you clean your tub, depending on material:

Porcelain-Enameled Steel (or Cast Iron) Tubs

To keep enamel-coated tubs clean, the best thing you can do is rinse and dry after every use. When washing to remove soap, dirt, and mineral build-up, opt for hot water, a grease-cutting dish soap, and a microfiber towel. To keep the enamel-free of scratches, avoid abrasive scrubbing cleansers and cloths, and steer clear of acidic cleaners like vinegar. Magic Erasers are surprisingly effective when you need to lift build-up and discolorations from the surface (especially around the drain), and for stubborn stains that really want you to work for the shine, use a piece cork to provide force without breaking your fingers and hands.

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