Blog Make going to a new school exciting for the kids

Make going to a new school exciting for the kids

We’re still in the dog days of summer, but the sound of classroom bells and the lines of school buses are just a couple weeks away.  Before long, the annual rites of autumn will begin.  Trips to the store to pick out new clothes and school supplies.  Weekly meal plotting and planning.  Add to that the time and effort of trying to find a new home for you and your family and you have the recipe for a day in the life of parents all over the country right now.

When you’re juggling so many responsibilities and the mid-summer heat is bearing down on you, it can be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and find yourself in a tough spot when it comes to making life-changing decisions.  Take a deep breath then assess your priorities, make a list of what needs to get done, and begin checking items off.

One of the ways you can make the experience of moving into a new home and a new school less daunting for your children (and yourself) is to make them a part of the whole experience.  Talk to your children about the move, and about the new school that they will be attending.  Keeping your kids involved in the moving process while also communicating and sharing thoughts and/or concerns about it all can help alleviate the stress and struggle of adapting to a different neighborhood and making new friends.

Securing a home and a school in a great location and an excellent school district is every parent’s dream when it comes to moving into a new home.  In northeast Florida, the title of most-coveted school district goes to the St Johns county school district.  Lennar has hundreds of new, move-in ready homes all throughout the St Johns county school district!  Beautiful new homes in Windward Ranch, Palencia, Arbor Mill at Mill Creek, Shearwater….the list goes on and on.

Find your family’s future right in the heart of St Johns county with Lennar today!

To find out more about our St. Johns communities, visit us online at

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