Lennar California

4 tips to make a new house feel like your home

If you’re moving into a new home, you are probably already thinking about how you can make your new space feel like your home. By adding your own personality and special touches to the interior, you’ll be sure to capture the essence of home in your new space. Nicola Fanstone of The Huffington Post, shares 4 tips to make a new house feel like your home. 

Orlando, FL.
Orlando, FL.

Optimize and customize the space

The house may be new, but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect for you. Builders, architects and interior designers do their best to make houses livable but it’s you, the one who has to live there, who has the final say as to what works and what doesn’t. This doesn’t have to involve wrecking crews to get the desired effect, it could be as simple as using a bright color on a wall in a room without much natural light. It can also be nice to divide up open concept spaces with a well-placed shelving unit that also serves as valuable storage/display place.

Inland Empire, CA.
Inland Empire, CA.

Bring the space alive with flora (or is it fauna?)

Keeping plants in your abode can give off a serene vibe and makes your new home feel relaxed yet alive. When considering what types of plants you would like to have in your home, the possibilities are endless. If you are someone that is able to keep a plant alive you could have any type of greenery that may look presentable with your decor or a floral arrangement as the centerpiece of a table. 

VA/DC Metro, Virginia
VA/DC Metro, Virginia

Art you love

Another decorative aspect that can add something extra, giving your house a homey, lived in tone, is artwork. Being able to choose a work of art that represents you can create the perfect vibe for your abode. Artwork can be considered anything in the range of paintings, drawings, sculptures, even antique pieces of furniture or accessories that tie in well with the rooms in your home. The artwork in your quarters should speak to you and your guests and symbolize your individuality. Our personal favorites are the limited edition Kristina Krogh prints and the super popular Underground Line by Kreativitum.

[Read the full article: 4 tips to make a new house feel like your home]

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