Depending on the specifics of your community, your home may have extensive landscaping, minimal landscaping, or something in between. Some people love gardening and happily take on the challenge of maintaining their yard, while others prefer to hire a professional landscaping company. Either way, you can add your own touch to your home’s exterior with these simple landscaping tips.
1. Start with exposed areas
If you have minimal landscaping, you should landscape the exposed areas soon to prevent excessive erosion from occurring.
2. Delay major projects for the first year
If you’re a new home owner, keep in mind that major landscaping projects should be put off for the first year, as most ground settlement will occur during this time.

3. Do your research
Whether you’re doing it yourself, or hiring a professional, make sure to do your research or check with an expert to find out what type of landscaping is most suitable for your home before you start a project. This can help ensure that the proper drainage is maintained and that the overall effect of your landscaping is just what you were hoping for. You’ll also want to consider your local climate and weather conditions.

4. Consider your timing and resources
It’s also important to consider your own schedule and resources to ensure that you are able to maintain your lawn and plants properly for the long term. Low-maintenance landscaping can be a beautiful and easy solutions if you have little time to spend working in the yard.

5. HOA review
Many communities have a Homeowner’s Association or an architectural review committee that must approve changes. If you live in one of these communities, make sure you submit your plans early on, so they can be reviewed and any revisions can be made well in advance of your planned start date.
6. Check with local utilities
Before you start digging, always check with your local utility companies to have buried gas, water, electrical and telephone lines on your property located to prevent unnecessary damage or accidents. Even a small nick in a cable can cause problems in the future.

To learn more, check out Landscaping your home in Lenanr’s video library.
Do you have any favorite landscaping tricks and tips? Let us know in the comments!