7 ways to stage your home for the winter season

Although the winter season may be slower for real estate, it doesn’t mean that people aren’t looking for their next home to buy. The winter season can give buyers a great advantage, since it tends to be less competitive than other seasons. It’s the perfect opportunity for sellers to stage their home to attract potential buyers. This recent U.S. News & World Report article by Tori Toth shares seven ways you can stage your home during the winter. 

Curbing the snow. The first tip to get your home show-ready starts at the curb. All driveways, walkways and steps around your home should be shoveled and de-iced. This way it’s easier for visitors to access the front steps and walk up to the front door safely.

If you have a deck or patio worth featuring in the space, don’t forget to shovel those areas as well. One way to dress up the space is with a quaint seating area, maybe a fire pit or heating lamps, a few pillows and furry throws to create an entertaining outdoors. Despite the cold environment, buyers and guests will appreciate a place to sit back and watch the snowflakes.

Welcoming from the front door. Think about ways you can add a little life near the walkways and entries of the property. Use a variety of evergreens, spruces or winter berries by adding potted plants on the porch or stoop.

Try using a cheerful paint color on the front door and a decorative winter wreath to welcome visitors into the house. It’s important to provide a welcome mat too, as a place for visitors to wipe off their shoes before entering to avoid tracking snow and dirt into the space.

Put outdoor lighting on timers during the winter months, so buyers or guests don’t arrive at the house in the dark. Set the timer to go on at dusk. By lighting up the house it’s an easy solution for visitors to navigate better from the street.

Setting the temperature. No one likes hanging out in a chilly house, so raise the temperature to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in the house to keep it at a comfortable setting. This can help buyers forget about the cold weather outside and focus on the property’s features. The toasty atmosphere may also help keep buyers lingering in the home longer, providing enough time for them to fall in love with the space.


[Continue reading the full article here]


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