bigger home

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home?

Are you on the fence of whether or not it is time to upgrade your home? As a homeowner, the day may come when you realize you have outgrown the home that used to seem so perfect.

Sure, your first home might have met all your needs when it was just you, however your lifestyle has evolved. You are now married, started a family, got a dog; and in the process, have accumulated a lot of stuff. Here are five signs it might be time to upgrade into a bigger home.

1. Growing Family

A growing family tends to be the primary reason why many families decide to move into a bigger home. You need a bigger space to accommodate a baby on the way, growing children, aging parents or children returning from college.

A Lennar Next Gen®- The Home Within a Home® could be just what your family is dreaming of.  Next Gen® homes include a private suite that is able to function as its own home. Learn more, HERE.

2. Need More Space

Let’s face it, you’ve accumulated a lot of belongings since you purchased your starter home. The addition of a few kids and pets has also made it easy to feel like you are constantly bumping into each other. Feeling cramped in your home is a great indicator that its time to upgrade to a bigger home.

3. Need a Bigger Yard

As a homeowner a bigger yard is the door to endless possibilities. Not only does a larger yard give your kids and pets room to play, but it also gives you the opportunity to entertain loved ones. You’ll have the space to host barbecues, birthday parties, family gatherings, and more. Besides hosting social gatherings, a bigger yard allows you to finally put your landscaping skills to practice.

4. Growth in Income

If you were starting your career when you bought your first home, chances are that you’ve received a promotion or two and are now enjoying a higher salary. Maybe you got married and now budget with a second salary. This new higher income could allow you to purchase the home of your dreams.

5. Built Equity

Has your current home increased in value since your purchase? You could apply the built equity into a new home and community.

Visit a Lennar community near you to find the dream home you and your family deserve. Visit to learn more.

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