Virginia Lennar Home Office

What’s trending in home office design

The office is often an essential space in any home. Thanks to advances in telecommuting, the home is becoming a place of work for many – at least part of the time. And as time spent in a home office increases, so does the need to design a beautiful and functional space. This new article from Entrepreneur shares four new trends in home office design. The trends not only reflect the latest in home decorating, but the need for home office design to contribute to an effective work environment. The set up and design of your home office should not only feel comfortable and reflect your personal style, but also support what you want to accomplish in the space. If your home doesn’t allow the space to dedicate an entire room for an office, consider using part of the kitchen, a bedroom corner, 2nd story loft area, or basement. 

No longer consigned to the basement or unused nook, the home office has emerged as one of the most important residential amenities, thanks to an uptick in both self-employment and flexible working trends.

“The home office comes up all the time—it’s on par with programming the kitchen and dining room,” says David Dowell, a principal at Kansas City, Mo., architecture firm El Dorado Inc. “It’s in the top three things we design.”

Whether they’re working for themselves or others, some 25 million Americans are calling home “the office” at least one day a week. Among them, 2.8 million self-employed people consider home their primary place of work, according to consultancy Global Workplace Analytics.

With the number of at-home workers on the rise—the population grew 29.4 percent from 2005 to 2012—the need for workspace is constant and evolving. We asked architects, designers and space and product specialists for their take on the trends driving the home-office sector. With options ranging from integrated systems to stand-alone “shedquarters,” at-home workers aren’t just making do; they’re making their own ways to work.

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Photo Gallery: Home office ideas and inspiration by Lennar


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