Lennar ranks #1 on 2015 Public Builder Report Card; the only builder to be graded A+

Lennar ranks #1 on Builder Report Card; only builder to be graded A+

Builder Magazine released its annual Public Builder Report Card earlier this week, and one homebuilder topped the list with the only A+ ranking: Lennar. Builder’s 2015 Report Card provides analysis of 22 public home building companies, based on financial and operational results for 2014.

Lennar followed up 2013’s A with an A+ in 2014, ranking #3 in financial, #5 in sales and marketing, and #8 in operations. Lennar was the top builder in total shareholder return in 2014, returning 35.3% to shareholders in 2014. Lennar had the third highest sales velocity at 2.9 units per month per community. Of large builders, Lennar has the highest gross margin at 25.6% of revenue.

Click here to see the rankings of all 22 builders on the list, and click here to see Lennar’s report card.

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