Lennar Enclave Collection Streetscape

Our Broker & Real Estate Agent Policy

When working with a real estate agent or broker (together as “broker”) to purchase a new Lennar home, homebuyers and brokers alike should be aware that our policy does not pay commissions on homes in every community. Homebuyers are welcome to use their own real estate broker during the process of purchasing a new home from Lennar, but in communities where commission are offered, Lennar’s Cooperating Broker Policy must be followed for a broker to be eligible for a commission.

At communities where Lennar does offer broker co-op commissions, the homebuyer must identify and register their real estate broker during their initial contact with a Lennar consultant, whether online, on the phone or in person on a visit to a community.

Additionally, the homebuyer must be accompanied by their registered real estate broker on their first visit to the community, whether in person or virtually. If for any reason the homebuyer does not register their broker during their initial contact, the broker will not be entitled to receive a commission on any Lennar home purchased by the prospective homeowner.

So, please be sure to register your real estate broker at the initial point of contact with Lennar if you choose to work with one when purchasing a new Lennar home. But remember, broker co-op commissions are only available at select communities. This policy must be adhered to within those communities for a real estate broker to be eligible for any Lennar-paid commission. Please review entire policy for additional requirements: https://www.lennar.com/legal#broker-participation-policy.

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