Village Builders Houston

Village Builders presents interior design tips and tricks

There’s nothing quite like decorating: there’s the promise of that new floor plan, the excitement of picking through paint samples, and the thrill of finding just the right piece for that amazing spot. But once the giddiness of the hunt starts to wear off, most new homeowners find that they are more daunted by the sheer magnitude of the project than anything else.

You’ve also got to think about budget restrictions, and the decisions that are no longer exciting because they just keep on coming. It’s easy to lose your steam and get a little lost mid-project. So we’re offering you a hit list of what to do and what not to do to design like the real interior designers.

How to Spruce Up Your Space Like a Professional Designer:

1. If you’re going to invest in the interior design of your home, invest in furniture that you love. It will be worth the wait and the price. Having the right furniture is more important than having a lot of furniture. Never bring furniture into your home unless you love it!

2. Stay organized. Clear out any clutter. If you don’t love it, donate it. Cleaning out your space will give you a fresh start and a clean eye. You’ll see new possibilities for layouts and arrangements that you hadn’t thought of before simply because you can see your space clearly.

3. Bring some of the outside in. Nothing adds more life to a room like a living plant. Adding greenery to a room immediately adds warmth to your space as well as an organic, fresh element that is really hard to recreate using other methods. You could try fresh herbs in the kitchen, succulents on a coffee table, a potted miniature lemon tree in the living room, etc.

4. Always make lighting one of your top priorities. Lighting brings a lot to a room. Have fun when you’re selecting your lighting. It is the easiest way to add personality to a room.

5. Add art to bring sophistication to any space. If you aren’t sure what to buy, find something that moves you. When hanging your art, make sure to put it at eye level. A common mistake is to hang art too high. Art is a fantastic expression of the homeowner and generates a sense of intimacy for visitors.

6. Don’t be afraid to edit. In most cases, less is more! If you choose a simple color scheme and a few good pieces for the basis of a room, you really only need a few details to finish it off.

Village Builders Houston

Check back soon for our next segment of Interior Design Tips & Tricks. We’ll make sure that your project not only turns out just as you envisioned, but that you don’t lose that excitement you felt when you first decided to tackle the project of decorating your dream home. For more information on any of our homes, please visit us at .

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