
Minimalism: Is it Right for Your Family?

Prioritizing simplicity and functionality, minimalism in home décor grows daily in popularity. In a minimalist home, the interplay between light, space, and objects creates a balanced, organized, and calming atmosphere. Clutter is to be avoided at all costs, accents are few and carefully chosen, and the color palette is soft, favoring soothing colors.

As attractive as this style can be, the question of whether it’s right for you and your family requires careful consideration. Below are three questions to weigh before reaching a decision, as well as tips for creating a hybrid which may better accommodate your needs.

What style of décor do you most favor?

The saying “different strokes for different folks” applies as surely to your decorating style as to anything else. While you may greatly appreciate the minimalist aesthetic, for day-to-day living a homier, more lived-in look–incorporating lots of decorative pillows, cozy throw rugs, and family photos—could be your preference. Alternately, for example, you may love furniture and accessories that make a dramatic statement, incorporating bold colors and vibrant patterns.

If you’re unsure about the style that you like best, decorating-focused magazines and books are a great source of inspiration! The good news is that Lennar homes lend themselves to many types of décor, and our New Home Consultants can help you choose paint and cabinet colors, as well as flooring that captures your style.

Are you neat and organized, or more organic and relaxed?

“Stuff” is minimalism’s nemesis and for this style to work, the home must be very orderly and uncluttered. Because minimalism requires paring down on furnishings and accents, and its beauty hinges on clean lines and empty space, extraneous elements should be few and far between.

Before committing to this décor, ask yourself if it will feel comfortable and natural given your personality. If constant house-keeping isn’t your top priority, you may want to evaluate if and how you implement minimalism in your home. Regardless of your decision, you’ll find that Lennar homes are designed to provide you with plenty of storage areas, closets, and cabinets where things can readily be stashed.

Does minimalism fit your family?

Even if you love the style and are a highly organized individual, you must consider your family. Are there young ones who would wreak havoc with your light-colored furnishings? Do they have the run of the home — scattering toys in their wake — or do they have a dedicated space for playtime?

Teenagers can also be a challenge in a minimalist home, as some tend to leave their marks everywhere: dirty dishes on the kitchen counter; empty soda cans here and there; miscellaneous belongings flung about. Consider whether attempting to have a minimalist home could create frustration and conflict, rather than the peaceful nirvana every home should be.

If you love the decor, even if it doesn’t exactly fit your family, not all is lost! Many Lennar homes have a formal living room, in addition to a family room. You could choose to incorporate minimalism in the living room and declare it off limits for daily living. The master bedroom might also be a good canvas for this décor as a haven to escape to at day’s end, while the rest of the home offers a more kid-friendly style.

Another idea that could work for your family, involves easing into minimalism, gradually paring back on accessories and accents as you all adjust. In the process you may hit on just the right level of minimalism for you: perhaps one that is a happy compromise and offers the balance you need to be comfortable! As you decide what is best for you, we are here to help you find the perfect home, bringing your decorating vision to life in 2019! Happy New Year to you and yours!

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