Blog DIY home maintenance is just a click away

DIY home maintenance is just a click away

Each year, thousands of homeowners engage in the joy that is Spring cleaning, which generally involves various levels of home maintenance.  For some folks, that means de-cluttering gutters, washing windows, power washing siding and fences, or even re-painting.  Unfortunately for some homeowners, there are some issues that can arise that a bucket of soapy water and a sponge won’t fix.

For instance, many homeowners don’t know how to turn their water off if a washing machine hose busts or a toilet overflows.  What about adjusting the temperature on your water heater?  Or turning off the power to the bathroom while you try to remove that broken lightbulb from it’s socket.  What about changing your air conditioner filters?  These are things that happen in homes across America every day, and with just a little bit of gumption, you can save yourself some time and $$$ by learning how to take care of these things without calling a handyman to your home.

Thank goodness for the internet.  These days, there are videos posted by more adventurous DIY’ers on how to do everything from finding a wall stud to hang a mirror on, to how to build and install an outdoor brick pizza oven.  Technology has made it much easier to tackle some home tasks that may have been biting off more than you could chew before.  Check websites like Pinterest and YouTube for great ideas and step-by-step instructions to help walk you through projects that you don’t feel comfortable tackling on your own.

Take the time to get to know your home.  Find out where the fusebox, the water main (and gas main if your home has gas) and the HVAC unit is in your home and become familiar with how they work and what it takes to maintain them.  You’ll save yourself from future home headaches and needless expenses if you do.

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