Whether it be the proper way to recycle, tips for running your home efficiently, or other ways you can make your new home environmentally friendly, we’re here to help you make a positive impact on the environment with your new home! Not only will these tips help reduce your electric bill, and even help you decorate your home, they will also help the planet… from the comfort of your own home!
Here are our top 10 tips!
1.Use less paper products. By using less paper products, you’ll help save forests, and reduce the amount of waste your home produces. Less trash bags means less material being sent to landfills.
2. Put up window treatments. Not only will they add to the appeal inside your home, but they also help keep heat out and cool air in on hot days, reducing your energy usage.

3. Get a reusable water filter container. You’ll no longer need to buy those 24-pack of water bottles if you have a reusable filter. Less trips to the grocery store and less plastic waste.
4. Fill your dishwasher all the way. When you need to use your dishwasher, be sure to fill it as much as you can, making the use of that water the most efficient.
5. Recycle correctly. Recycle your bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. But be sure not to recycle plastic bags or anything smaller than a credit card, and make sure it is clean, empty and dry.

6. Use plants as home décor. Helping with your indoor air quality, house plants will also make your home more welcoming.
7. Use LED light bulbs. Change out any regular lightbulbs for energy efficient LED lightbulbs. They have a longer life, use less energy and will save you money down the line.
8. Wash your clothes in cold water. Even though your Lennar home is equipped with energy saving appliances, washing your clothes with cold water will reduce your carbon dioxide emission.

9. Use your smart thermostat. Automatically set your thermostat to match your schedule. Raise the temperature when no one is home, and cool only when it’s time for you to pull into the driveway.
10 Turn off your power strips. Switching the off switch on a power strip when it’s not in use will reduce the amount of energy used from things like TV’s and phone chargers.
Here’s to you helping us all make a more positive impact!