Blog Make Your Home Timeless with These Décor Tips

Make Your Home Timeless with These Décor Tips

Décor Tips

What pairs better with the elegant layout of a Lennar home than stellar décor? Don’t overthink your décor plans, choose a timeless style that can be easily altered. Timeless design is seen as trendy and stylish, even across different generations or seasons.

With these simple and sophisticated design tips, your Lennar home will stand the test of time.

Use Traditional Colors

Bold colors aren’t the only ones that can make bold statements. Neutral colors like beige, white and grey bring a strong presence into a refined home. Using these color palettes also allows you to easily add complimentary colors as the season changes throughout the year. Perhaps a touch of soft, light blue in the spring time and festive red or gold during the holidays. No matter where your design sense takes you, a neutral color palette won’t steer you wrong.

Be Minimalistic

What makes timeless décor timeless is the simplicity of it all. Overdoing accessories and decorations can sometimes be distracting and take away from the look. Keep spaces neat, tidy, and not overcrowded. When planning your décor, think of the furniture as the main feature. Allow the furniture to be your stand out pieces and everything else should be complementary.

Use Symmetrical Style

The key to creating a timeless look is symmetry. Balance can really make or break a room. Paying attention to the symmetry of the room allows you to choose what will be the focal point. Play with the layout of your sofas in the living room, or table in the dining room to see what really allows the best use of space. Then, place any additional accent pieces in the room complementary to where the lines of symmetry meet.

Add a Touch of Antique

Maybe a relative passed down their old armoire for sentimental value or you found a great table at a boutique thrift store. Don’t think that a timeless layout can only use modern furniture. There are plenty of ways to jazz up old furniture to give it a modern touch and still preserve some of the antiqueness. Don’t shy away from it, allow your creativity to flow and peruse a few do-it-yourself tutorials on how to update antique furniture to match your current style.

Plain Jane

For anyone who may frequent art shows or galleries, it may be tempting to buy every beautiful piece you see and throw it on the wall. But for a timeless design, less is more. Spare your walls by leaving more to the imagination and not overloading it with portraits or abstract paintings. One or two items on the wall for a large room will suffice. Beyond that, the walls start to become a distraction to the beautiful layout that you spent time organizing.

A timeless and simple design is complementary to your Lennar home, which is already architecturally designed to wow your visitors. These tips will help to enhance the elegance within your home and make a beautiful statement that will stand the test of time.

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