Blog Declutter your home—and keep it that way.

Declutter your home—and keep it that way.

declutter your home

The kids have left, and you’re getting rid of some of the things you’ve gathered up over the years as you move into a new, smaller home. Or maybe you’re a couple of newlyweds, figuring out whose stuff to keep—and whose to toss. Whatever your reasons for downsizing, getting rid of things can ease your transition. It can feel overwhelming, but these tips will keep you on track.

Go room-by-room

One of the biggest mistakes people make is jumping from room to room to avoid making tough decisions. Set a goal of completing one room at a time. Looking for a place to start? Consider the kitchen. Here, it’s easy to know exactly what you use—and what you don’t.

Find a way to use sentimental items

Some heirlooms hold special memories and we can’t toss them. But rather than keeping all the mixing bowls from Grandma, choose one to keep and use as a centerpiece on the table. Instead of becoming a dusty burden in a cabinet, it will have a new life—and the memories will always be in sight.

Be free from stuff—and from guilt

Sometimes, we feel guilty throwing something away that was given to us as a gift. We let ourselves keep old birthday cards and gifts we’ll never use. A good rule of thumb is to throw it out if you haven’t used it in the last year. Chances are if you haven’t used it in the last 365 days, you won’t need it in the next.

Be realistic

As you’re considering what to keep, ask yourself these questions. What items do you need to keep in order to continue living your current lifestyle? Would you buy it again? What could you live without? Chances are if the item doesn’t match your current lifestyle, it no longer serves a purpose and can be donated or thrown in the trash.

Using these tips can help alleviate some of the stress that comes when decluttering your current home. Although decluttering your space takes time and effort, it can make it easier when moving to a new Tampa community or downsizing to a new home.  For more home tips, be sure to like us on Facebook.

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