Blog 8 uses for lemons around the home

8 uses for lemons around the home

There is a good chance that over the summer you’ve bought and used your fair share of lemons. Great for flavoring everything from water to fish, this tiny fruit packs a big punch.

Did you know a lemon’s usefulness extends beyond your favorite recipes? Thanks to their acidic and antibacterial properties, lemons are an effective and inexpensive way to clean, remove smells and freshen up your home. Plus, many families are turning to non-toxic cleaning methods, like using lemons and vinegar, to replace harsh chemicals.

So what can you do with lemons besides making lemonade? According to, lemons can be used to:

1. Clean the microwave

2. Refresh a room

3. Remove cutting board smells

4. Freshen up the garbage disposal

5. Freshen up the fridge

6. Clean the coffee pot

7. Remove grease

8. Polish chrome

Check out this video from for details on 8 great ways to use lemons around the home. Stock up the next time you’re at the grocery store and put your lemons to good use. And once your home is clean and refreshed, add lemons to a glass bowl or vase for a bright and cheerful centerpiece!

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