green home decor trend dining room

This St. Patrick’s Day, Add Some Green to Your Home!

St. Patrick’s Day and the start of spring are right around the corner. St. Patrick’s Day is all about green – and spring brings warmer weather, longer days and the regrowth of nature. So, why not embrace the festivities and help a space in your home pop a little more with the color green.

1.Wall treatment

You don’t need to paint a whole room green to make a statement (although you certainly can). Consider a wall treatment for your home’s décor: paint just one of the walls green, use green or nature-inspired wallpaper or create a living wall of succulents. Wall treatments and accents do a wonderful job of brightening up a room and giving a space a bit of drama. 

2. Plants & flowers

A sign that spring has sprung is that everything is blossoming once again – which means it’s the perfect time to incorporate fresh flowers or plants into your home. Best of all, plants in your home not only look great, but they can also help purify indoor air quality by increasing oxygen levels and removing toxins from the air. Plants may also contribute to a calmer environment, so you can relax even more during your hours at home.

Additionally, select plants are known for their good luck: bamboo is popular with feng shui and is known to attract positive energy, good health and luck. You can also plant some roses in your backyard, which are known to sometimes bring you love, healing and good luck.

3. Green accessories

If you’re not committed to painting a wall green or want something a bit more low-maintenance, you can utilize a wide range of green décor accessories. Graphic art, decorative pillows, bedding, rugs, vases, decorative trays – the options are endless. And with so many fantastic products on the market, it’s never been easier to incorporate green in a way that helps a space stand out effortlessly.  

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