It’s summer time. The kids are out of school. Everyone is suddenly home more. The heat outside seems to continuously rise even when you thought it couldn’t get any warmer out there. The AC is running all day long, everyday, yet you still can’t seem to keep the house cool enough. If you’re already worried about your energy costs sky rocketing through the roof this summer, be proactive. Incorporate these four easy ways to save energy, money and stay cool during the hot summer months ahead.
#1 Shade Windows: Any windows that are hit with direct sunlight during the day should be shaded to stop the sun’s rays from entering your home. There are a variety of techniques readily available to homeowners such as outside shade screens, trees added to the landscaping, indoor blinds and drapes, and window tinting.
#2 Adjust Your Thermostat: Set your thermostat between 78 and 80 degrees when you are home, but increase the temperature setting to 85 degrees when you are away. Every degree that your thermostat is set above 80 degrees can save you 2-3% in air conditioning costs.
#3 Check Weather Stripping: Appropriately placed weather stripping in good condition can be a big help for those concerned about wasting energy and keeping their house cool. Check, adjust or replace weather stripping around all exterior doors and movable windows.
#4 Pricing Plans: Check with your electric company to see if they offer any type of off-peak hours plan. Many offer this type of incentive and it can provide substantial savings over the course of the year with a lot of it accumulating during the summer months when AC usage is heaviest.
Still worried about going green and saving money at the same time? Check back regularly to hear more tips and hints from Lennar’s pool of experts.
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