Every day, innovations in technology change how we communicate, how we work, and even how we play. Now more than ever, technology allows us time for leisure and enhances our everyday experiences. Your home should be built with the latest technology in mind. Check out these awesome innovations that everyone should know about when looking for a home.
- Touchscreen Deadbolt – This particular model from Schlage combines all of the best security features with the convenience of going keyless. A motorized tapered bolt automatically locks and unlocks when a security code is entered! Plus, the Schlage Connect uses Z-Wave Technology to integrate with several home automation and monitoring systems.
Our favorite part: Up to 30 unique security codes can be programmed to allow you full control, even when you are not home.

- LED Lighting – Everyone knows that the old incandescent bulbs are a thing of the past, but do you know the difference between LED and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs? When comparing the two, LEDs use less power (watts) per unit of light generated (lumens), making for a lower electric bill. In addition, the lifespan of LED bulbs is FOUR to FIVE times longer than a CFL bulb. Lifespans of CFL bulbs are greatly reduced by the number of on/off cycles, while the lifespan of LEDs are not. Installing a CFL bulb upside down in a hanging, enclosed fixture makes the power supply heat up. As a result of inadequate heat sinking capabilities, CFLs tend to bake and die much faster than their published lifetime. LEDs do not have this issue! And if mercury is a concern when it comes time for bulb disposal, you can rest easy with LEDs. They do not contain mercury like CFLs.
Our favorite part: With LEDs, you change bulbs far less often because their life is so much longer!

- Built-in Pest Control – The days of inviting an exterminator into your home to spray chemicals near your pets and family are over! The “Tube In the Wall” system by Taexx changes everything about pest defense. This system was designed to create a virtual barrier that keeps pests on the outside of your home, and your family securely nestled within. Imagine a network of tiny tubes that runs throughout designated walls of your home! This network strikes unwanted guests where they’re the most vulnerable. Pest control is easy and convenient, since you don’t have to be home when pest control materials are distributed inside the walls.
Our favorite part: There is no longer a need to schedule your life around pest defense.

When you choose a Lennar home built right here in the Nashville area, you are choosing all these features and more. Our commitment to quality and technology is unmatched. Call or stop by today to see these features in action!
Disclaimer: Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Please see your New Home Consultant for more information and home purchase and sale agreement for additional information, disclosures, disclaimers relating to the home and the actual features designated as an Everything’s Included® feature. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Plans and elevations/renderings are artist’s concept and may contain options or features which are not standard on all models. Stated dimensions and/or square footages are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. See a Lennar New Home Consultant for further information. While Supplies Last. Void Where Prohibited By Law. Copyright © 2015 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included® logo are registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. (14064) 9/24/15