Blog In the News: Lennar Virginia and UAMC team up with Home Aid

In the News: Lennar Virginia and UAMC team up with Home Aid

Helping renovate a townhome for HomeAid

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give” -Winston Churchill

The Virginia division of Lennar recently partnered with Home Aid in Northern Virginia, a nonprofit organization that seeks to combat homelessness by partnering with homebuilders and their trades to on renovation projects that provide quality housing for individuals and families.

This particular project, for the Cornerstones’ Affordable Townhouse Rental Program, helped to renovate a townhome in its entirety to help a single mother and her children out of a homeless shelter and into a home they could call their very own.

Helping renovate a townhome for HomeAid
Helping renovate a townhome for HomeAid

Cornerstones’ philosophy is to promote self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for families and individuals in need of food, shelter, affordable housing and other human services.  They provide programs that individuals participate in, fostering important life skills and offer mentoring services, with the goal of placing these individuals in permanent housing.  Together, with the assistance of Lennar, they were able to make that happen for a very deserving family.

Lennar Virginia began their relationship with Home Aid by participating with them earlier in the year through their “Women Giving Back” program. The “Women Giving Back” program requests donations for professional clothing, which they then display in a showroom.  Then, the ladies from shelters can come in and shop for free for clothing, jewelry and handbags to help prepare them for job interviews.

When the Lennar Virginia division learned of Home Aid’s need to renovate a two-story townhome, the division decided volunteered their services.  With the help of trade partners, Lennar completely rebuilt and renovated the interior and exterior of a home in our community.  Lennar associates, and affiliates, were assisting on-site daily during the renovation of the home.  The division was also able to help provide the family a furnished kitchen through Lennar associate donations, including everything from dishware and silverware to cookware and a microwave.  There was a king size, queen size, and bunk beds donated and delivered by our associates, and set up for the new family to have a good night’s rest.  The mother was ever grateful, saying that she had never had people to help her family in this way!  The generosity of all involved was amazing, and Lennar looks forward towards continuing to work with these organizations during the 2015 year!

[Read feature article by HomeAid here]

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