homeschooling tips

How to Homeschool the Kids Like A Pro

If you’ve recently been assigned with the daunting task of homeschooling your children, don’t panic. We’ve put together some helpful tips for you to consider as you and the kids start this new adventure. Just remember, things aren’t going to be perfect from the get-go, so allow yourself some flexibility and don’t be afraid to get creative. You’ll learn more day by day and can continue to improve your new role!    

Consult your new students

Before you even start setting up a classroom for your little ones, talk to them. Since they’ll be the ones learning, get their opinions on what they want and need in order to be comfortable. But don’t just do this before – continue to do it every day. After the (home)school day is done, ask them what worked and what didn’t. Nothing will be perfect at first, but with a little feedback from your student, you can continue to work on delivering the best possible experience for them.

Gather your materials

Create a checklist of everything your child is going to need. Get the essentials, like a whiteboard to create a schedule, writing and art supplies, Post-it Notes and clipboards so they can take their work outside. To create a fun learning space, consider pictures or artwork, lighting and comfortable chairs. Purchase storage supplies like drawers, bookshelves and baskets to keep everything organized and for easy cleaning (especially if you’re going to set up in a main living area).

Find a work surface

The most important factor should be comfort! Your students are going to be sitting down for long periods of time, so choose a surface where they can spread out their materials in a way that doesn’t create a busy environment. Spaces in your home that you can transform into your classroom include kitchen islands, dining room table, their bedroom, dens, loft or even your patio table. Their new learning space doesn’t actually have to look like a classroom!

Stick to a routine

The best way for the kids to get into the groove of things is to get them into a routine and follow a schedule. Set their alarms, have meals and snacks, break time and start and end the school day at the same time every day. While you never know what a day might bring, having some structure will provide some normalcy for everyone!

Go outside

Fresh air does wonders for physical and mental health, so don’t forget to factor in some well-deserved playtime outside for the kids (and yourself)! Get everyone moving – let the kids walk the dog, get some physical education going with a jog, hike or jump rope, eat lunch at the park or take one of your lessons outside to the backyard.

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