If there’s one thing that has been a hot topic lately, it’s home organization. Everywhere on social media you are seeing makeovers in the kitchen, bedrooms, owner’s bath- you name a room and there’s a DIY project for it! We all had extra time in our homes this year and the “to do” list wasn’t getting any shorter. Did you do some home organization like de-clutter your attic? Maybe finally clean out your clothes? Or everyone’s favorite, organize your pantry and throw out that pasta from 2016? We recently jumped on this bandwagon and we couldn’t feel more satisfied when we walk through the kitchen and the pantry door is open… and we’re not embarrassed!
Here are some tips and tricks to clean out your pantry:
Take it all out
Yep, take it all out. This is the easy part. Just pull everything off the shelves into a big pile on your island or your floor. While you are pulling it down be sure to check all labels. Unless you already keep a very tidy panty, you will may find a few boxes far past their expiration date. Make a “throw away” pile- this will include all expired goods and foods you bought that are open but you KNOW will never be eaten.
Clean your shelves
If you have solid wooden shelves be sure to get some spray and wipe them down. Crumbs and spills will be under boxes that you didn’t even realize. Here’s a quick tip- use a handheld vacuum and vacuum up the crumbs then wipe. If you have vented shelving, get a wet cloth and give a good wipe. Dust will collect and this will give you a nice clean surface.
Categorize your sections
Here are a few ideas:
- Spices
- Oils, Vinegars
- Pasta
- Cans, sauces
- Cereal
- Boxed goods
- All snacks (like individual wrapped foods for your kids…)
- “Treats”
- Extra condiments
- Paper goods
Stock your shelves

If you really want to make it look like you hired a professional organizer, go to a store and grab some baskets of varying sizes and a few canisters. Put sugars, flour, coffee, oats, and such items into the canisters and label. (You can order labels online and make it super easy!) Think through what you use the most and what you rarely use. Your most used items will go on the middle shelves at eye level and lower. Items you use once in a blue moon will go on top shelves along with all paper goods. Remember that snack pile for your kids? Take everything out of their boxes and throw it all into a big basket. Another easy tip is to put this basket on the bottom shelve so kids can go in, pull out the basket, get what they want and slide it right back in. A few other ideas for your baskets; cans goods, pastas, extra condiments, extra baking goods, and spice packets.
Once you have thought through the functionality of your pantry and have your baskets and canister put up on your shelves, take a step back and take a small break. Then come back in and give it a once over to make sure everything is appealing to the eye and the functionality makes sense for your family. It’s ok if you change around a shelve or two… or three! Once this task is complete your kitchen will have an entirely different feel.
Looking to upgrade your kitchen? We have your dream kitchens just waiting for you! Give our Internet Sales Consultants a call today to set up an appointment or self-guided tour in one or more of our wonderful communities around the Nashville area: 615-236-8076.