As most of us continue to work from home, there is no denying the importance of having a dedicated and organized office space. Here are five tips on creating your perfect home office:
1.Find a comfortable & supportive chair
Comfort is everything when it comes to both your health and your productivity. Regardless of how long your workday is, you need a comfortable and ergonomic chair. Here are a few things to look for when shopping for your office chair:
- Lumbar support – This supports your lower back and prevents back strain.
- Wheels – If you have hardwood floors, you may prefer a chair with wheels.
- Adjustable lever – to help you find a comfortable position where your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are at a 90-angle and your laptop’s camera is at eye level.
2. Eliminate distracting clutter
Filling your workspace with tchotchkes, pictures, sticky notes, awards, candles, etc. may make you feel overwhelmed, can limit valuable desk space and may make it harder to find things.

3. Create a functional filing system
A filing system can help detract from the clutter and help you stay organized. Even if you use a digital filing system, it’s always handy to have essential documents in a physical file. To stay organized, create a filing system with different categories. Having quick access to critical documents will help save you time and stress in the future.
4. Let the light in
Studies show that “natural light is the best medicine for an office.” A study by Cornell University showed that employees who received optimal light saw a 10% decrease in drowsiness, a 2% increase in productivity, and reduced eye strain and headaches. So, if you want to increase your productivity and improve your health, wellness, and energy, you may want to have your desk in a light-filled space.

5. Decorate for productivity
Your environment is essential to your health, happiness, and overall performance. Color is known to influence productivity, creativity, and mood, so we suggest starting by painting the walls in your workspace.
- Yellow represents optimism and friendliness – if you work in customer service – this color will help to keep you positive.
- Blue represents logic and efficiency – a great option if you require a lot of focus.
- Green symbolizes balance and is the most comfortable color on the eyes – a green painted office can help if you tend to work long hours.
Also, consider greenery beyond just the color of the walls. Many studies show that plants can help reduce stress and improve productivity. One study found that a plant-filled office can increase productivity by up to 15%!
By having a comfortable workspace in your home, you may find that it helps reduce stress, boosts your creativity, and increases your overall productivity. At Lennar, we have been incorporating beautiful and functional office spaces in our homes for years. To see how Lennar has reimagined the home office, call the Virginia / DC Metro Internet New Home Consultants at 877-785-3662 to schedule your tour.