moving yard sale tips

5 Reasons to Host a Yard Sale

If decluttering and getting rid of items is part of your spring cleaning routine, you may consider hosting a yard sale. If you have enough items that are in good enough shape, a yard sale is a great way to earn a couple of bucks and allow some of your household goods to take on new life in a home where they will serve more of a purpose. Below are 5 times when hosting a yard sale is a good idea.

You’re moving

Moving requires a lot of energy – between physically moving your things, to signing documents and making payments – it’s never an easy process. A yard sale is a great time to part ways with some of the things that may not work well in your new space: The couch you purchased for an apartment might be too small for your new home, or maybe you got new kitchenware as a housewarming gift and want to move your old pots and pans onto someone else.

Household members move onto new stages in life

Parents know all too well that when their adult children move on in life, it’s not uncommon for their home to become a temporary storage facility. So, while parents may be allowing some precious basement storage to hold onto items that their adult children aren’t ready to part with or sort through, the rest of the home can serve as an opportunity to have a yard sale. Bed frames, rugs, outdated furniture, and other things that decorated the bedrooms of household members can be parted with.

You’re downsizing

Recently became an empty-nester? Downsizing often means that the furniture and household items you have now simply won’t be appropriate for your new living situation. You may need more compact furniture, fewer beds, or just less stuff in general. This makes a great opportunity to host a yard sale or purge through long-collected items.

A healthy purge

Sometimes you look around and just realize that too many things have accumulated! Unopened or gently used items that haven’t been touched in years are perfect for yard sales. Things like tattered clothes, old electronics, and unused toiletries are best thrown away. But if you’re in the mood to simplify your home and have useful items you’re just not using, it might be the perfect time to host a yard sale.

A loved one passes

It can be difficult to manage the physical remnants that a loved one leaves behind. It’s not uncommon for children to hold onto their late parents’ household items for years. While everyone has their own process for working through these times, a yard sale may be a great time to allow some of their belongings to take on new life. Of course, many sentimental items and things of value can become family heirlooms, but for knick-knacks and furniture that doesn’t carry high emotional value, feel free to allow someone else to enjoy them.

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