Furnishing First Home

A Guide to Furnishing Your First Home

You did it! You survived the home buying process and bought your very own first home. Now it’s time to move in and make it your own by adding your personal style through furniture and décor. Here’s a guide to help you start making your new house feel like HOME.

1. Create a plan for each room

Go into each room and create a list of everything the room needs.  Divide the list by priority items like: bed, mattress, dressers, couches, etc. to miscellaneous items like: decorative pieces, carpets, curtains, etc. Having a list of all the items needed for each room will make the process of furnishing your first home easier.

2. Budget, Budget, Budget!

It’s important to be aware of exactly how much of your income and savings can go to furnishing expenses each month. Don’t go into debt by furnishing your whole home within the first two months of moving in. Remember that you will be living in your home for a long time so don’t rush yourself. Once you have your final budget, you’ll be able to move on to the fun part. Shopping!

3. Pick a Room

Prioritize yourself by picking a room at a time. Where you sleep and rest should take priority, so start with the bedroom where you’ll spend much of your time. Once you fill this space and make it a place you can you can relax you can move on to the living room and kitchen.

4. Check off your list

Your goal should be to check off all the priority items you listed in step #1. With your budget in place buy all the essential pieces for each room. Once you run out of money that you’ve set aside for you furnishing expenses, take a break and save up. This process is a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the journey, your home will slowly start coming together.

5. Be Patient

Don’t rush yourself into buying everything at once. Doing so will lead you into debt or into choosing quantity over quality, which are both huge mistakes. It’s better to purchase your furniture slowly and be completely satisfied with the outcome.

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